Creative (R)Ecologies

Featured Products

  • $18

    Color choice will be random and size will be approximate unless otherwise noted or requested by customer!

  • $22 for 1

    Color choice will be random and size will be approximate unless otherwise noted or requested!

  • $90 for 6 rectangles

    Color choice will be random and size will be approximate unless otherwise noted or requested!

  • $72 for 6

    Color choice will be random and size will be approximate unless otherwise noted or requested by customer!

  • $52

    Miyuki Delica beads, quartz

  • $52

    Miyuki Delica beads, quartz

  • $35

    Loom bracelets, choose pattern type 1, 2, or 3;

  • $57

    Miyuki Delica beads and adjustable closure

  • $100

    I’ll need pictures of your furry friend!

  • Description goes here

About me

I’m an urban ecologist and (soon-to-be) landscape designer (MLA). I have a background in plant-fungal symbioses. I’m a trilingual and neurodivergent environmentalist and animal lover who has to keep her hands busy and her eyes engaged at all times.

Having moved over fourteen times in the past fifteen years (school, work, etc), and having officially lived in every US region (Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast, Pacific Northwest, West/Southwest, and Midwest), I am finally planting some permanent, virtual roots through an online presence. To see my CV or portfolio, get in touch!

Interested in art or ecological services?

Curious about a custom order or discounts/sliding scales?

Contact Me!